I was told that there was a place where I can see ...
# getting-started
I was told that there was a place where I can see the implementation of functions in Kotlin's standard library. I was wondering if that was a place in the Kotlin docs, or do I somehow inspect the code in IntelliJ to get the implementation?
I typically have success command+ clicking functions to get to implementation details within IntelliJ but I’m not sure what exactly you’re looking for
Hi, these two were exactly what I were looking for. Thank you so much!
You’re welcome! :)
The shortcut is CTRL B :)
the usual shortcut doesn’t work for me… for Java it’s ok but for Kotlin it just provides some reconstructed source from the bytecode, I’m not able to download or attach a sources artifact 😞
For me it sometimes shows the sources, sometimes the decompiled stubs. I didn't yet investigate what the condition is.
@Matteo Mirk afaik, when it shows bytecode you can download the sources on this screen
tried a hundred times, always failed
😭 1
afaik, when it shows bytecode you can download the sources on this screen
Of the Kotlin stdlib?
Never seen that, either it worked or it did not work, but never seen a download button for those afair