Question about floor division and mod. My mental m...
# getting-started
Question about floor division and mod. My mental model is basically splitting the number line into chunks of a given size.
tells you how far into a chunk you are, and
tells you which chunk you are in. Is getting the start of the given chunk as simple as
floorDiv * chunkSize
? Is it more complicated than that? Is my mental model fundamentally wrong?
div is to rem as floorDiv is to floorMod
in other words, they come in pairs; mod & floorDiv are not from the same pair
For context, I have the following functions that I use for a project:
Copy code
fun offsetInChunk(x: Int, size: Int, origin: Int = 0): Int =
    ((x - origin) % size + size) % size
fun startOfChunk(x: Int, size: Int, origin: Int = 0): Int =
    x - offsetInChunk(x, size, origin)
fun indexOfChunk(x: Int, size: Int, origin: Int = 0): Int =
    (startOfChunk(x, size, origin) - origin) / size
And I'm wondering if it makes sense to replace them with:
Copy code
fun offsetInChunk(x: Int, size: Int, origin: Int = 0): Int =
    (x - origin).mod(size)
fun startOfChunk(x: Int, size: Int, origin: Int = 0): Int =
    indexOfChunk(x, size, origin) * size
fun indexOfChunk(x: Int, size: Int, origin: Int = 0): Int =
    (x - origin).floorDiv(size)
for all x and non-zero y, x == x / y * y + x % y (aka x == x.div(y) * y + x.rem(y)) x == floorDiv(x, y) * y + floorMod(x, y)
@ephemient 1.5.0 introduced
, no
@Ruckus I was referring to java.lang.Math.floorMod&floorDiv. I haven't checked if Kotlin's new operators line up with those.
Ah, in that case, I believe Java's
is equivalant to Kotlin's
, but I believe they are implemented differently.
looks like they do, although the naming is unfortunate
IMO everything should have been named div/mod and quot/rem from the start, but it's too late now
That makes sense. As far as my original question goes (assuming
in place of
), does my mental model hold, and is the replacement for my code valid, or am I off somewhere? In testing the math seems to work out, but my mental model somewhat breaks down with the concept of negative sizes, so I was wondering if it was still valid with the appropriate extension into the negatives, or is it a fundamentally invalid model that happens to line up with the math under certain circumstances?
if you're working on positive numbers only, then none of it matters, both sets of operators have the same result 🙂
the difference is that Java's (and Kotlin's) x % y keeps the sign of x, while floorMod(x, y) keeps the sign of y. the result of x / y and floorDiv(x, y) are consistent with that to maintain the previous invariant