dealing with calling a java based fluent/builder a...
# getting-started
dealing with calling a java based fluent/builder api conditionally -- right now i've gotten to:
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return Builder.builder().withIntParam(intParam).let {
     if (booleanFlag) {
     } else {
anyone have a better pattern for something this? assuming the builder is mutable/side-effecty can change it to something like:
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return ....apply {
   if (booleanFlag) { withBoolean() }
which is a little cleaner but might not work with all builder impls?
Modifiers in Compose lend themselves to similar shapes; over there a utility like this ends up being useful:
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inline fun <T> T.buildIf(condition: Boolean, builder: T.() -> T) = if (condition) builder() else this
then you end up with this at the call site:
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  .buildIf(booleanFlag) { withBoolean() }
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I’ve written this helpful little scope function which nicely encapsulates the if/else you need.
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 * returns the receiver if the condition doesn't hold, otherwise acts like a normal run
public inline fun <T> T.runIf(condition: Boolean, block: T.() -> T): T = if (!condition) this else run(block)
with that you would just write
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return Builder.builder()
  .runIf(booleanFlag) { withBoolean() }
Cool, any way to set up a contract (?) such that if
is something like
param != null
then param is smart cast to non-nullable in the passed in lambda?