in ran into an issue with default arguments ```my...
# getting-started
in ran into an issue with default arguments
Copy code
myFunc(p1: String, p2: Consumer<*>, p3: String = "") {}
// is not the same as 
myFunc(p1: String, p2: Consumer<*>) { myFunc(p1, p2, "") }
myFunc(p1: String, p2: Consumer<*>, p3: String) {}
the compiler does not allow you to use trailing lambdas if you use default arguments i'm not really sure if it's an issue, but did seem odd to me
I'm confused by the code snippet. why does only one have a body?
the body is irrelevant, but i added curly braces now
what if you put p2 last?
unless i declare myFunc as two separate functions, i'm not able to call
Copy code
myFunc("test") { }
that will work
trailing lambdas always require the lambda be the last argument tho
it is the last argument, since the third argument is omitted (it has a default value)
i don't see why the compiler cares if it's defined as two different functions, or one function with a default value
if there's an argument after it, then it's not the last argument
default arguments don't completely obviate the need for overloads unfortunately
it would seem so
just a small gotcha after auto-converting some java code
I don't understand your issue with putting the consmer last. It works fine for me:
Copy code
typealias Consumer<T> = (T) -> Unit

fun myFunc(p1: String, p2: String = "", p3: Consumer<String>) {
    p3(p1 + p2)

fun main() {
    myFunc("Test") { println(it) }
    myFunc("Test", "2") { println(it) }
(You may have a problem using
as that will accept only
it's not always an option to change the signature 🙂
Yes, that is true, but unless I missed something the discussion was:
Max Aller: what if you put p2 last?
david: unless i declare myFunc as two separate functions, i'm not able to call
myFunc("test") { }
I guess this is more of a discussion about what "last argument" means, and I'm just fixating on the wrong thing. Feel free to ignore me 🙂
it's understandable that it's a point of confusion 🙂
@Ruckus the two lines you quote was not a question+response, it was two messages that were sent at the same time. a more accurate representation of the conversation would be
Max Aller: what if you put p2 last?
david: that will work
but i can't change the signature
you could add an extension method with the arguments in the correct order perhaps
Ah, got it. My bad.