What’s the best way to modify a nested property in...
# getting-started
What’s the best way to modify a nested property in an immutable data class object?
Copy code
data class AppState (
    val masterState : MasterState = MasterState(),
data class MasterState (
    val isLoading : Boolean = false,
is there a more concise way than this?
Copy code
val myState = AppState()
val newState = myState.copy(masterState = myState.masterState.copy(isLoading = true))
https://arrow-kt.io/docs/optics/lens/ is a more concise way (although also more magical)
I wanted to create a very simple function like
, where I could perform the substate copy inside the block, and the root state copy inside the function:
Copy code
// this is the specific function
fun MyModel.anExtensionFunction() {
	updateSubstate {
	     it.masterState.copy(isLoading = true)
but I don’t know how to deal with the reflection:
Copy code
class MyModel {
    var myState = AppState()

    // this is the generic function
    fun updateSubstate(block: (AppState) -> Any) {
        val output = block(myState)
        myState = myState.copy(PROPERTY_NAME_TO_GET_FROM_BLOCK_BETWEEN_IT_AND_COPY = output)

Copy code
val copyFunction = AppState::copy
val thisParameter = copyFunction.parameters.find { it.kind == INSTANCE }!!
val propertyParameter = copyFunction.parameters.find { it.name == parameterName }!!
myState = copyFunction.callBy(mapOf(thisParameter to myState, propertyParameter to output))
but (as all things reflection) there is no safety here. do you really need to do this?
thanks! does this just work on JVM or on all platforms?
I am running it in CommonMain and the IDE can’t find many properties. Do I need to import Reflect as a dependency too?
I think I found a good solution, even without reflection, cleaner than before:
Copy code
updateMasterState {
    it.copy(isLoading = true)
even if I have to create a function for each substate:
Copy code
fun updateMasterState(block: (MasterState) -> MasterState) {
    myState = myState.copy(masterState = block(myState.masterState))