Hello everyone, I want to start android developmen...
# getting-started
Hello everyone, I want to start android development. I just know basic syntax of Java like variable, data type, functions, loops, operators. I want to do android development in Kotlin. What should I learn now and what resources should I follow ? If you can show me a roadmap of Android development with Kotlin for a newbie that would be awesome.
Hop on over to #compose too 🙂
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@Umar Ata do i need to learn OOP separately ? Or basic course will teach me OOP as well ? Because intermediate and advanced course's prerequisite is Knowing OOP
Actually oops and other basic concepts is something we learn by practice and if you are an engineering graduate or student then you must be clear with it already Otherwise yes, you need to learn it separately
I'm a second year cs student... I guess oop is in next semester or next year in our curriculum.
I highly recommend this book: https://www.amazon.nl/Hands-Design-Patterns-Kotlin-applications/dp/1788998014/ I had to read it for my internship in android development and I shredded through it in a week.
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@Koenichiwa do i need to know OOP before read this book ?
Oof good question. I think you should know the principles of OOP. It's a pretty important concept in programming as a whole. I used to like to watch Christopher Okhravi's videos on youtube when I was still trying to grasp these concepts
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Thank you @Koenichiwa @Umar Ata @Adam Powell