I'm new to Kotlin and I would like to learn it. My...
# getting-started
I'm new to Kotlin and I would like to learn it. My current state of knowledge with other programming languages, is I have a good amount of knowledge of the concepts in Java (just never really wrote any complex projects, just know the concepts superficially). I also have my hands on a bunch of the resources on the kotlin website, but wasn't sure what would be best as my "first" real programming language. Any recommendations?
it might make sense to come up with a small project you'd like to do and figure out how to make it happen. but like, tiny projects 🙂 maybe a small command-line game, or a CLI for ... scraping a web page, or spidering a site (respecting robots.txt ideally)
try to implement something in here https://github.com/florinpop17/app-ideas
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if you need to familiarize better with Kotlin, solve some Koans
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