What SQL clients are people using? I see <https:/...
# getting-started
What SQL clients are people using? I see https://github.com/JetBrains/Exposed is pretty popular (by GitHub stars), but it looks like you can't drop down to SQL without writing your own extension (albeit a simple one). Also, it isn't async. Is Exposed the preferred Kotlin SQL library?
jOOQ is pretty popular where I come from
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SQLDelight is nice for using local DBs in end-user applications (mobile, desktop). Rather than being an ORM, it generates Kotlin code from normal SQL queries, so is a bit easier to use if you’re more comfortable with SQL. It also looks like it has support for MySql and Posgres now, making it a viable option on servers as well. https://github.com/cashapp/sqldelight
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is non-blocking and has good Kotlin support