Can somebody spot what's the problem I'm always ge...
# getting-started
Can somebody spot what's the problem I'm always getting null using this regex:
Copy code
val output = (...)
 """public \w*\s*class (.+)\.(\w+) \{\n([^\}]*)\}$""".toRegex().find(output)
Here's the thing to match against:
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Compiled from "Test.kt"
public final class com.github.animeshz.keyboard.jni.Test {
  public final native void test(kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<java.lang.Integer>);
  public com.github.animeshz.keyboard.jni.Test();
Seems that regex is correct according to this
๐Ÿ› 1
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Your regex101 test is not too meaningful as you use the PCRE dialect which is different. But for your regex indeed it is the same and works fine. I tested this in REPL and as you can see it returns a match result:
Copy code
val output = """
Compiled from "Test.kt"
public final class com.github.animeshz.keyboard.jni.Test {
  public final native void test(kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<java.lang.Integer>);
  public com.github.animeshz.keyboard.jni.Test();
"""public \w*\s*class (.+)\.(\w+) \{\n([^\}]*)\}$""".toRegex().find(output)
res0: kotlin.text.MatchResult? = kotlin.text.MatcherMatchResult@6c37c36
Do you maybe have a trailing newline character that then does not match due to
not allowing anything after the curly brace?
Adding optional new line character, or removing the $ yeilds the same thing
By optional
sorry I wrote + ๐Ÿ˜…
Oh wait, maybe that's windows \r\n
Yes!! I'm tired of this, don't know why microsoft wants to put \r for no reason -_-
Well, that's the natural translation from pre-computer era
๐Ÿ˜… 1
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On a typewriter you made a carriage return to be on the left and a new line to be on the next line
This translates to
Apple thought they are clever and could leave out the
, only using
as line terminator (in the meantime switched to
Linux thought the same and left out
only using
If your target is only JVM, you could actually use
in the regex:
Any Unicode linebreak sequence, is equivalent to \u000D\u000A|[\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u0085\u2028\u2029]
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Actually if you target JVM 8+ ๐Ÿ™‚
JS does not support it
also...why are you regex'ing a class file?
Not really a class file but a javap output, for automated generation of JNI headers.
And that's cuz there's no tool to generate headers for Kotlin right now answers are outdated, and that lib is probably not maintained.