Is there a simple way to create a generic type-saf...
# getting-started
Is there a simple way to create a generic type-safe builder that can be used with a lambda? like
functionName<ClassName> { …className functions}
? I know it can be done specifically, but I was wondering if there was a way to create a generic approach. in Kotlin.
More specifically, where ClassName could be any class passed in the the type.
I started with this:
Copy code
interface BaseRobot {
    fun <T> screen(init: T.() -> Unit): T = init as T
It allows to call, but then when using it will perform a cast error or do nothing with no error.
what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this?
Basically have a generic way to call object members using a lambda notation,
screen<class> { function() }
Typically, when I create object for this I have to specify the class in the function using a function outside of the class utilizing the type safe builder approach.
I mean, if you have an instance of the object in question, you could use
, or
I did try, but got a casting error.
care to be be more specific about the error?
with the limited context of “having a generic way to call object members with a lambda”
T.() -> R
is the correct approach, but casting the lambda to
will never work (at least the way you’ve written it in your example)
I stepped away, so I don't have the exact error log, but it was saying I cannot cast type T to Unit. Basically, I was trying to make this function generic...
fun screen(bot: Bot.()-> Unit): Bot = Bot().apply(bot())
I was so close. Ended up using this:
Inline fun <reified T: Any> screen(bot: T.() -> Unit): T? = { bot() }
Then I can use it like
screen<ScreenObject> { functionsFromScreenObjectClass }