Hi, I am wanting to replicate a python feature ```...
# getting-started
Hi, I am wanting to replicate a python feature
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def myFunction(a,b,c): 
    return lambda x: a * x ** 2 + b * x + c
however I am not understanding what is wrong with
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fun potentialEnergy(charge1, charge2, k){
    val x = {position: Double -> k * charge1 * charge2 / position / position} // creating lambda function
    return x
What is wrong with this lambda function expression.
I am doing this in jupyter
you need to specify types for your function parameters. That code should not compile at all
an equivalent of the python function above would be (assuming all parameters are `Double`s:
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import kotlin.math.pow

fun myFunction(a: Double, b: Double, c: Double) = { x: Double -> a * x.pow(2.0) + b * x + c }
👍 1
can you explain the "=" notation?
https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/basic-syntax.html#defining-functions expression syntax. it looks a little weird because this function is itself returning a function (well, a lambda)