Hi, I'm having trouble with my IDEA setup. I'm try...
# getting-started
Hi, I'm having trouble with my IDEA setup. I'm trying to get the kotlinx coroutines imported and working, but along the way I'm having trouble with my build.gradle file, namely "code insight unavailable" and then it suggests "try re-importing the linked Gradle project". What exactly am I supposed to do here? Still learning, thank you
have you tried the suggested? did it resolve the issue?
I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to remove and reimport. If I go to my project structure and look in the Libraries menu item on the left, there are 7 libraries listed, e.g. "Gradle: org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib..." Is it asking me to remove those and reimport them? Am I supposed to do it somewhere else? Thanks
Thanks, that solved problem 1, autocomplete working //I've never used this Gradle window before.
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