Hi all, I'm having some problems using BigDecimal...
# getting-started
Hi all, I'm having some problems using BigDecimal, I'm not sure if I'm missing anything or there is some issues with the toBigDecimal() method. I'm trying to create an expected value to validate a business logic. I'm trying the expected value to be a big decimal equals to 100.00 (note 2 decimal places). The problem is that I cannot get this amount; it always come as 100.0 (a single decimal place, which make the assert to fail) Here is a snippet code that shows the issue: https://pl.kotl.in/O8tUt3IxC
Sorry, I clicked send before writing the whole message. What I really wanted was a break line but sent the message 🙂. I have updated the message to include the issue I'm having!
not really Kotlin-specific, since the classes involved all come from Java, but
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might do what you want, although note this formatting will always round to a nearest 0.01 even if you have more precision
you might also be looking for BigDecimal#setScale https://pl.kotl.in/yf8_wlcl5
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the DecimalFormat approach is for if you're trying to render to a string in a particular way, while setScale will configure (a copy of) the BigDecimal itself
you can also directly construct
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BigDecimal(10000.toBigInteger(), 2) == 100.toBigDecimal().setScale(2)
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Thanks, I will take a look to scale. I'm working on a service/API contract for monetary amounts so it goes beyond rendering. I'm coming from Groovy and its sugar made this type of things easy but I'm not giving up Kotlin yet!
I'm not super familiar with currency-specific libraries for Java/Kotlin, but BigDecimal might be all you need
Thanks all, it is solved. I've included the scale and rounding mode when overloading the operators for BigDecimals (/,*...) and in in the expected values from the tests. Thanks!