greetings all, I’m wondering about initializing ob...
# getting-started
greetings all, I’m wondering about initializing objects via a constructor vs an extension function. Example via constructor:
Copy code
data class CarDTO(
    val make: String,
    val model: String,
    val year: Int

data class Car(
    val make: String,
    val model: String,
    val year: Int
) {
    constructor(carDTO: CarDTO) : this(
        make = carDTO.make,
        model = carDTO.model,
        year = carDTO.year
Example via extension function:
Copy code
data class CarDTO(
    val make: String,
    val model: String,
    val year: Int
) {
    fun toCar(): Car {
        return Car(
            make = this.make,
            model = this.model,
            year = this.year

data class Car(
    val make: String,
    val model: String,
    val year: Int
Is there an advantage to using one of these over the other? I’ve been doing some research, but can’t find any arguments either way.
First of: you're not defining any extension function in your examples. You're just defining a regular function. I personally suggest actually defining an extension function on CarDTO, possibly even in another file. That keeps both data classes clean and independent of each other. Both (data) classes just have the purpose of storing information. Mapping between them is not their responsibility (separation of concerns).
👍 1
so that would be
Copy code
// CarDTO.kt
data class CarDTO(
    val make: String,
    val model: String,
    val year: Int

// CarMapping.kt
fun CarDTO.toCar() = Car(
    make = make,
    model = model,
    year = year

// Car.kt
data class Car(
    val make: String,
    val model: String,
    val year: Int
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💯 1
Will the second example (of OP) actually compile? I don't think so
No, it will not
It won't, but I think the goal is clear
👍 2
Good catch @Vampire, you’re right, I’m missing a
(adding it now in an edit). The joys of blind coding outside of a compiler 🙂
I like that separation of concerns argument. Thanks!