Good afternoon guys, I am trying to deal with this...
# getting-started
Good afternoon guys, I am trying to deal with this issue that I cannot solve. How can I avoid the nullsafe call?
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val cardStats = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
Once the card is created in other map for example: "France" to "Paris", this is automatically created:
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cardStats = mutableMapOf("France" to 0)
In the guessing function, if they miss it adds up fail attempts into the card:
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cardStats[ansDef] += 1
But I get this:
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Operator call corresponds to a dot-qualified call 'cardStats[ansDef].plusAssign(1)' which is not allowed on a nullable receiver 'cardStats[ansDef]'.
its because cardStats[ansDef] might return null (i.e the ansDef might not exist in the list of cardStats)
not sure if a map allows for reassign the value that way anyway?
You can use one of these:
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cardStats[ansDef] = (cardStats[ansDef] ?: 0) + 1

cardStats.compute(ansDef) { _, stat -> (stat ?: 0) + 1 }

cardStats[ansDef] = cardStats.getOrDefault(ansDef, 0) + 1

cardStats[ansDef] = cardStats.getOrPut(ansDef) { 0 } + 1
@Mikael Alfredsson thanks for your answer, I could reach a post in which took me to the fourth answer from @Vampire. That was really quick after a couple of hours checking for it. Hat off guys!👍
^^ FYI,
are Java 8+ only, while
is in the Kotlin stdlib
And that's a problem because? Even Java 8 is EOL already.
Well, if Java is not the (only) target it might be relevant
also if you're targeting Android 6.0 or earlier the build system needs to use its desugaring machinery to replace Java 8 default methods with something that will actually work on that platform
Well, unless someone says explicitly, I'm not assuming Android, there is so much more. :-D