I have a static list defined in my project. Like t...
# getting-started
I have a static list defined in my project. Like this:
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val obj1 = MyDataObj(1,3,4)
val obj2 = MyDataObj(3,2,3)
val obj3 = MyDataObj(2,4,1)
val list = listof(obj1,obj2,obj3)
using AndroidStudio/IntelliJIdea, is it possible to run a script, where I experiment a reduce function, without having to run the whole project, but just this script which references an objected defined in my project? In other words, can I run my “playground” inside my IntellijIDEA, which references classes already defined in a projects? I would like to run something like this
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println(list.sumBy{ it.a })
you could write a unit test and just run the one test
if this were vanilla Kotlin (not Android) you could create a
fun main()
and run that
the Kotlin REPL would work
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and...lastly, you can create a Scratch File and that should be runnable
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great! I didn’t know about Scratch Files, I just found out!
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