Given a data class like this: ```data class State...
# getting-started
Given a data class like this:
Copy code
data class State (
	val aField : String
	val bField : String
	val cField : String
I would like to wrap this copy function:
Copy code
wrapperobject.state = wrapperobject.state.copy (aField = aValue, bField = bValue)
inside a custom method like this:
Copy code
wrapperobject.changeState(aField = aValue, bField = bValue)
what would be the code for it? I am not sure how to define the argument of the
I feel like I’m misunderstanding your question but can’t you just implement it like this?
Copy code
class WrapperObject(var state: State)
  fun changeState(aField: String, bField: String) {
    state = state.copy(aField = aField, bField = bField)
is there anyway to extract the arguments directly from the State class definition, without having to specify them?
as the arguments could be many, in this way I would have to replicate them in both the class definition and the changeState method
do you care about restricting the modification of specific fields in the State object?
(I saw there was a cField you didn’t include in the later examples, wasn’t sure if that was intentional)
hopefully yes, but I was wondering if Kotlin offered some easy way of matching the arguments of a method to the the properties of a class
I guess copy is a very special function
I wanted to mimic the same behaviour
with the chance also of not specifying all the properties
unfortunately yes,
on data classes is a unique case
ok, I see
👍 1