How would i translate 2 bytes from and to a UShort...
# getting-started
How would i translate 2 bytes from and to a UShort... I'm sure I'm missing something but functions dealing with Unsigned Integers and multiple bytes seems to be lacking from the standard library.
correct me if I’m wrong
vice versa you can go from u-short to byte with toByte()
or to unsigned byte with toUByte()
So a UShort would be 2 bytes right?
I think UShort is in Kotlin 16 bits unsigned int
Yeah so i want 2 bytes..
(short >> 8).toUByte()
yeah that was what I was thinking
does it solve your question @Sam Smallman
Not really... I'm receiving a ByteArray via Bluetooth, the data I'm interested in is 6 bytes, the first 2 are a UShort, the last 4 are a UInt, I need to be able to translate them back and forth. Maybe I'm missing something but ideally i want something like .toBytes() which will take a UShort and create two signed bytes..
or a toByteArray from a UShort i should say..
and the same for a UInt, and then i can flatten them together.
Copy code
ByteBuffer.wrap(data.sliceArray(0 until 2)).short.toUShort()
ByteBuffer.wrap(data.sliceArray(2 until data.size)).int.toUInt()
This is what i have so far...
and then I've added:
Copy code
fun Short.toByteArray(): ByteArray {
    return ByteBuffer.allocate(2).putShort(this).array()
to go along side Int.toByteArray() to go the other way...
well if you receive a ByteArray then why can’t you just convert the first 2 bytes to UShort() and the last 4 to UInt() ?