Not sure who the admins are, but since <@U09229ZF0...
# meta
Not sure who the admins are, but since @hhariri created this channel, may I bring this to your attention? I’d very much like to have the possibility to edit messages like we used to have
👍 1
Sorry I may be missing something? How do you mean edit like you could? We’ve not touched any permissions or options regarding message editing, and I see for instance your message from Friday is edited.
Yes, it’s possible to edit messages, but only in a short timespan. Definitely it is shorter than 3 hours, because the option to edit wasn’t there after 3 hours as seen above. I first hit this problem on Friday, when trying to make a 4h old code snippet compile and couldn’t. On the other hand, I think I used to edit messages a lot older than that during the 2 years I’ve been here (although I can’t really check that now to make sure). Anyway, is there any contraindication to make it possible to edit messages indefinitely?
Perhaps Slack updated all defaults? Docs here: I can see justification for restricting edits, and only allowing 'typo' changes so that history isn't altered too much after fact by someone trying to cover up, but hopefully that's not an issue here.
Not sure if it’s really a problem? I mean if you need to edit at a much later date, just post an update
3h is not “much later date” IMO, often times 3h later you don’t even get one reply yet
If it was 24h then I guess it wouldn’t be a problem
But I think it’s unnecessary hassle, not being able to edit
For example, with an edit, you don’t trigger notifications to everybody in the thread
If it’s a typo, you probably aren’t going to post an update with something trivial like
oh, I meant “it’s”, not “its”
While editing takes no time, doesn’t create noise, so it pays off even for trivial stuff
I’ve set it to 24 hours
Thanks, much appreciated 👍
Does it mean that we are not able to delete messages anymore?
I can’t even delete above message right after posting it. Normally, I think there was no limit at all