I see that our favorite guy “Smallville” has been ...
# meta
I see that our favorite guy “Smallville” has been banned, nice
👍 3
👎 2
Banned for what?
Spamming tons of channels I guess. He also refused to read documentation and asked mainly googlestackoverflow questions
I would disagree
yes, his way to talk with people is really strange
but most of his questions were directly related to Kotlin
refused to read documentation
It was once and this scripting KEEP was not an answer, just one possible solution for his question
question was strange, but why would you ban someone who has strange questions just because doesn’t understand it
I’m still happy he’s no longer there. I told him to use threads multiple times, twice in PM, other times directly in response to his spam. He used them for a little each time before spamming again the next day. This shows he either doesn’t want to care... or maybe a mental problem, I don’t know.
again, I don’t want to arguing and say that he shouldn’t be banned, maybe there is some specific case, but mentioned reasons “refused to read documentation and asked mainly googlestackoverflow questions” looks strange and far from true for me
Well let’s agree to disagree on that. You can’t say anything about his non-usage of threads and continuous spam in multiple channels.
Yes, I agree about it
at least it was better last few days than before 😬
well, define spam. He was mostly on kotlin topics. So, he got banned because of too many questions about kotlin?
You don’t need to send 10 different messages to a channel to define a problem. One is enough. He’s been told that multiple times by me, and by others I guess.
We also don’t know what happened, I just see that his account is disabled. Nobody said it was permanent
agree, threads were a problem... He was quite knowledgeable tho.. in his own way. I just think it's a bad precedent of nitpicking in favor of questions that we like.
I agree that he didn’t deserve a permanent ban, and I hope it’s not, but maybe he’ll realize he needs this access to this Slack and should abide by the rules more. But I discovered that he was banned because I wanted to PM him again to stop spamming...
Could you share a link to this spam?
Just imagine having 2 or 3 more guys like him. That would be a mess.
The problem was ignoring feedback from other active users that need to have this Slack organized IMHO. Here's Hadi take: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0B8W32VA/p1556011958017700?thread_ts=1555696467.008700&cid=C0B8W32VA