but I dont understand what you meant fully
# rx
but I dont understand what you meant fully
Well ok. I am trying to understand the basics of programming, as I am originally a financial guy. I read about algorithms where is written in the recursive pattern, that functional works not with loops iterations as 'for', but with recursion. But I understand from your reply l is not the case so rx kotlin is not a real functional paradigm, but a reactive declarative way to think namely an observer pattern with muscle
depends how you think about it, its mostly imperative vs declarative
Yes I see, is a distinction that is intrinsic in the world functional i guess, because functional is based on the concept of an input and an output. So you have an input and output also in OO. For instance you call a method function and the function returns a value. But functional is less based on methods and more at final variables, I am seeing clojure and understanding the concept. Then functional includes declarative but is not the same thing, are not synonyms, declarative is a level less abstract than functional, this generated problems to me relating to rxjava, but now I am grasping the surface. Uncle Bob said let the magic go away, learn assembly before than later. I do not want black magic, is stupid and annihilates the programmer abilities although is pragmatic. Is clear, I need to make dirty my hands with real functional code to understand the concept and not judge kotlin that does not add nothing (with all the due respect) to the existing code paradigms. To be honest I find irritating some reviews so long to write idiomatic kotlin or decide the last concurrency freak utility library