Hey guys, quick question. Where should I dispose o...
# rx
Hey guys, quick question. Where should I dispose of a disposable observer if i am not using it in neither activity nor viewmodel/ fragment etc. Instead I am using it in my backend. There is no onclear, ondestroyed nor anything. I only have a
Copy code
val observer = object : DisposableObserver<DrillsType>() {

            override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
                Log.d("TAG", "error " + e.message)

            override fun onNext(data: DrillsType) {

            override fun onComplete() {
                Log.d("TAG", "COMPLETE")
It should be disposed when it's all finished. Can I dispose of it in the onComplete perhaps 😂?
Thank you it seems that is what I am looking for! I'll check it out 😄
🤗 1