hey guys, I’d like some help figuring out how to b...
# rx
hey guys, I’d like some help figuring out how to better handle errors emitted from this observable. I want to parse multiple files eagerly, then wait for all of them to complete, and know which files failed. Is this possible? This is what I have so far:
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fun parseObservable(f: File): Observable<Item> { ... }

                .concatMapEagerDelayError({ parseObservable(it) }, true)
                .subscribe { items -> ... }
You could catch the failure and wrap it. e.g.
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sealed class Result(){
  class Content(val content: Type) : Result
  class Error(val error: Throwable): Result
Then you have a list of
and you can decide what to do based on the type of
it is
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If you want to wait for all to complete/error, not the first one, then you dont want rx error at all, since that is like a exception, it exits your normal flow. So, yes what above is said, map it into some error constant / wrap into Result type. Then use Single.zip for example
Thanks again guys! Here’s what I ended up with:
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fun parseObservable(f: File): Observable<Result> {
    .map { Success(f, it) }
    .onErrorResumeNext { Single.just(Failure(f, it)) }

                .concatMapEager { parseObservable(it) }
                .subscribe { results -> ... }
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@reline onErrorReturn { t -> Failure(...) }
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