You might want to look into MVI and how it is hand...
# rx
You might want to look into MVI and how it is handling these problems. MVI is handling all the problem you raising. I can suggest to look into this:

they way I would do it is:
Copy code
class ChatViewModel(private val messageManager: MessageManager): ViewModel {
  private val binder: PublishProcessor<MessageEvent> = PublishProcessor.create()
  private val state =
      .flatMap{ messageManager.editMessage(it.messageId, it.newText) }
      // #1

  fun editMessageClick(messageId: Long, newText: String) {
    binder.onNext(MessageEvent(messageId, newText))
  override fun state(): Observable = state

class MessageManager {
  fun editMessage(messageId, newText) = 
    database.update(messageId, newText, State.SENDING)
      .flatMap { apiClient.editMessage(...)}
      .flatMap { database.update(messageId, newText, State.SENT )}

data class MessageEvent(val messageId: Long, val newText: String)
hi, reducing is not the problem, also you turned MessageManager.editMessage into a cold observable, so it will die once ChatViewModel (although im now looking at the
, your subscrption would I presume be in the ui, and it would not stop because of the autocnnect, but you still need to dispose of this, otherwise you create leaks afaik?)
so if you were to dispose of `state`(disposable returned by autoConnect overload) in ChatViewModel.onClear, the edit would be terminate, which is not what I want, I need that to continue and finsih, regardless if subscribers left
yes you could use the same technique (publish.autoconnect 1) on the MessageManager.editMessage, but then if you leave the ui, and come back, you'd have to somehow reconnect with the running edtMessage Single, which is my original question
the easiest would be to subscribe the edit message observable on MessageManager.this, and sideffect to relays, but then you lose triggering the observable via subscrption if needed in flatMaps etc, in consumer code (since now you'd only have triggerEditMessage(): Unit + relay)
Why do you want to represent the edit message as an endless stream? What I understand is that you want to observe the changes of the database not the request itself.
not really, for example you wanna show progressbar while editMessage Single is in flight. yes you could add it as a column to the database 'isEditing' but I really dont want to do that + you have to have error column too; and do this per every action ..edit, delete, retry, add reaction, pin, unpin etc
I think what you are looking for is an event based system where for every “edit” interaction an in cache store is updated with the messageID. This service kept alive as long as the application is alive and when the all is closed maybe pushed to a BackgroundTask to finish the execution. You can use the MVI to keep the UI always up to date.
for the UI you might want to merge the Store and the Database to reflect which item is editing. Autoconnect or BehaviourRelay can help keep alive the stream
well I think the issue is the same, how do you update the store? is it a cold observable update or regular function update returning Unit
if you observe the store via noncompleting hot streams
and then again, if you have multiple edits going on, what do you emit, would you have multiple hot streams or a single one with a map of ongoing events?
its same sort of design like a repository would be; you have hot streams for queries, and then Completable or Singles for mutations.
trouble is how to keep these mutations manager or appscoped
so viewmodel death doesnt cancel them
What you are looking for is a proper architecture your your specific problem. a ViewModel can depend on other objects which keeps this state alive as long as the application exists.
well I think the issue is the same, how do you update the store?
As we described a hot observable receives events, reduce the events to state (map of elements) I would suggest a regular Unit function for propagating events.
if you have multiple edits going on, what do you emit, would you have multiple hot streams or a single one with a map of ongoing events?
Map of ongoing events. You can always filter these events if you need to.
trouble is how to keep these mutations manager or appscoped
dependency injection?
Yes I know all that, the core question is what that design of such domain level component should look like. Viewmodel is not the issue. Okay I'll think about the map. Scoping, Its not a trouble to actually do, By scoping I mean the observable should only live as long as its container (so when container goes out of scope, it should be canceled)
So, if you make it cold, then its scoped to subscriber. So it needs to be hot
but then you have the reconnecting issues, which we solved via the relay of map of events
but this way how to trigger such action? Unit function? if so, you lose ability to compose observable operators 😞