Hey guys, do how did you all get started with RxJa...
# rx
Hey guys, do how did you all get started with RxJava/RxKotlin? I'm relatively new to the whole thing and sometimes have trouble wrapping my head around what's going on. I've got a pretty JS heavy background and found that reading the RxJS docs was actually pretty helpful for understanding overarching concepts, but I'm working on a Kotlin Android project. The RxJava documentation is a bit confusing to me so I'm hoping for something more like a guide or tutorial.
Dan Lew has a great series of articles called “Grokking RxJava”: http://blog.danlew.net/2014/09/15/grokking-rxjava-part-1/
I will check it out. Thanks!
Written in 2014, is the information still up to date?
I hear RxJava 2 introduced some important changes
@katien shameless plug, here is my book. It tries to be comprehensive and practical. It also uses RxJava 2
Nice! Saved Kotlin for chapter 12 huh? 😛
@katien I did. I think until a pure Kotlin implementation of Rx exists, it makes sense to see it in Java and then use it in Kotlin accordingly. You can start with Chapter 12 if you want, and translate the examples in the book to Kotlin with that knowledge.
👌 2