# spring
with big chunks of kotlin inside 🙂
what do you think about using something like this https://medium.com/dont-code-me-on-that/aspect-oriented-programming-in-kotlin-95ff8598913 for aspects?
i’d be happy to avoid it whenever i can it’s a trade-off: less complex code to write vs. more complex compilation setup
not sure I follow
I mean instead of
Copy code
Optional.ofNullable(cache.get(key, Thing.class))
                       .orElse(/* Get Thing */);
use something like
Copy code
getCached(cache, key) { /* Get Thing */);
sorry, i didn’t read the linked post 😅 but i wouldn’t call it AOP AOP has one characteristic for me: bytecode manipulation whether at compile-time or runtime
anyway, sure, it’s a great way 👍