Can we use launch like this in Spring Webflux Cont...
# spring
Can we use launch like this in Spring Webflux Controller
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suspend fun test() : Response = coroutineScope {
    launch {

Will doSomething will keep on running in background once Response is returned. I have used async but not launch
Your test method wont return response until launch completes
Hmm I thought launch would be just fire and forget.
Looks like I can do this to achieve what I want
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CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
Are there any problem with this approach.
You would be breaking structured concureency - ie yout launch coroutine would no longer be a child of scope from test function
Yeah but here since this launch happens at last I think it will be fine I just don’t want to wait launch to complete and return Result I want to return Result immediately and keep launch doing it’s work in background. Are there other ways to achieve this.
If you dont care about that scope you could just use GlobalScope, if you do care about it and need to track it - I'd store it in a class field so you could always cancel children if needed