Hello! :wave: A new tutorial with Kotlin and Sprin...
# spring
Hello! ๐Ÿ‘‹ A new tutorial with Kotlin and Spring was published just recently. 5 parts, from basics to more complex things. Any feedback appreciated https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-webflux-kotlin-rsocket/
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Thanks for this great tuto Anton!
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Hi ,Can we also get a functional spring web flux examples ? Or with kotlin dsl ..any references to get started with functional implementation ?
@antonarhipov great job ๐Ÿ™‚ inclusive Download Intellij ๐Ÿ˜‰ Itโ€™s on my
list for a raining weekend. I love this language and really happy to get a lot of Spring Stuffโ€ฆ so I can push it in my company ๐Ÿ™‚
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@Razak we do cover webflux in part 4 of the tutorial. Although, I'm sure we could expand this quite a bit.
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