Maybe not the type of questions for this channel b...
# spring
Maybe not the type of questions for this channel but does anybody know of a course where we can learn from the basics to advance spring boot but with Kotlin? All there is is java 😞
I don’t think there is anything special in spring with kotlin vs java. you just need to translate the syntax. ofc that implies you know java, or you can just copy/paste example in intellij and let it do the conversion to kotlin, then clean up. it is going to be a bit slow at the beginning but learning is a slow process, just make sure you read and understand the concepts and what you paste
Sebastian had a talk at the latest kotlinconf on the status of kotlin support in spring:â–¾

thanks a Lot @thanksforallthefish
I think some time ago I did some stuff in Spring boot and tried to translate it to Kotlin and then it never compiled