is Exposed the recommended ORM for Kotlin + Spring...
# spring
is Exposed the recommended ORM for Kotlin + Spring?
exposed has a spring boot starter module that utilizes the spring's Transactional annotation
That's cool, do you know of any blogs or example projects using it?
Oh wow, that is cool. My team just continued to use spring data since we’ve moved over from Java. Do they have a write up why we might want to switch from Hibernate to Exposed?
We are using kotlin + spring data JPA as well. Exposed feels a bit new still to me, but keeping an eye on it.
Yeah, that’s what I meant as well. Spring Data JPA
sorry for the late response, it’s plug and play from what i can tell, i used it in a personal project to scope out whether i liked Hibernate/JPA or Exposed better
if you’re used to JPA, lazy loading, etc, Exposed (even its DAO) doesn’t do that for you Exposed has no current support for composite primary keys either, which kind of sucks, but not a huge huge deal, just made switching over my project more difficult
i should clarify - exposed does do lazy loading somewhat, but it’s not nearly as feature rich as hibernate
ultimately, i like them for different reasons