hi, I am using Spring Data JPA and creating some e...
# spring
hi, I am using Spring Data JPA and creating some entities. I have the kotlin jpa plugin installed in Gradle so it should be making no-arg constructors for my entities. But I still get the error below in IntelliJ. Is there a project setting I need to change so IntelliJ recognizes I'm using the kotlin jpa plugin?
Few tips: • do not use
data class
, use
instead (generated equals/hashCode are not really suitable for JPA, it's always the best to define them yourself) • id must be nullable as well as
, also you can make it a class property, rather than constructor parameter (there is no point in making it class-level parameter)
@alex Do all the JPA properties in the class that map to collumns have to be var's?
Everything, except
annotation (and few others, like
), is managed by end user, so this decision is all yours. If data definitely immutable, then you can use `val`(which is a rare case, if you think about it), otherwise