I tried using ```@ConstructorBinding @Configurati...
# spring
I tried using
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data class PushServicesProperties(val snsClient: SnsClient) {

    data class SnsClient(
        val maxConnections: Int,
        val connectionTimeout: Int,
        val socketTimeout: Int,
        val proxyHost: String,
        val proxyPort: Int
But I'm still getting
No default constructor found
for the
class. Has anyone else had that problem? Everything looks normal...
Did you added this in build.gradle.kts?
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plugins {
  kotlin("kapt") version "1.3.60"

dependencies {
Yes - altho in maven.
oh ... waaaaaiiiiit.....
Kotlin 1.3.60 - but not kapt.... Gimme a sec 🙂
Do I need
to make
work? Or just to make metadata-generation work?
Well ... I've added it now, but it hasn't made a difference. Tho - for maven I'm not exactly sure what's required.
@EricJTurley I thought it was just for metadata generation
Encountered the same problem today after updating from 2.2.0.RC1 to 2.2.1.RELEASE. Found a workaround: Now we need to annotate embedded property classes with `@ConstructorBinding`as well. In your case:
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data class SnsClient(
no other changes are necessary,
stuff is only needed for metadata generation.
is it workaround? it does make sense, doesn't it?
@Czar I had tried that, too, based on comments I saw in some Spring issues (or something). Didn't work for me. 😞
@kqr It's definitely a workaround. The
annotation should extend to the nested properties classes.
âž• 1
@EricJTurley strange...
Yeah. Just tried again. Specifically, I have a test:
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@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE/*mocked*/,
                classes = EndpointRegistrationServicesConfiguration.class)
class PushServicePropertiesTest {

    PushServicesProperties pushServicesProperties; // <--- Java properties class

    PushProperties1 pushProperties1; // <--- Kotlin data properties class
And I get:
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Could not bind properties to 'PushProperties1'
BeanInstantiationException 'PushProperties1'
No default constructor found
NoSuchMethodException: com.blizzard.bnet.push.endpoint.services.PushProperties1.<init>()
OK, I saw a Spring issue that wasn't included until
, so I upgraded. But now I get a different error regarding the nested
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Parameter 0 of constructor in com.blizzard.bnet.push.endpoint.services.PushServicesProperties1 required a bean of type 'com.blizzard.bnet.push.endpoint.services.PushServicesProperties1$SnsClient' that could not be found.

Failed to load ApplicationContext
No qualifying bean of type 'com.blizzard.bnet.push.endpoint.services.PushServicesProperties1$SnsClient' available
I also added the
annotation to the inner class
Even tried adding defaults, until the final class is:
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data class PushServicesProperties1(val snsClient: SnsClient) {

    data class SnsClient(
        val maxConnections: Int = -1,
        val connectionTimeout: Int = 10000,
        val socketTimeout: Int = 10000,
        val proxyHost: String = "",
        val proxyPort: Int? = null