Is there any best practices to create in Kotlin Ma...
# spring
Is there any best practices to create in Kotlin Mappers between Entities and DTOs and vice versa? Or any should I use mapper libraries like Dozer or MapStruct?
Hi @Gerard Klijs thanks for the link. What I actually meant is the conversion from and to Entities to DTOs in Kotlin. I know for example that one can use Dozer / MapStruct to convert from one data class to another. The question is more about if they are recommended or is there a better way to do it with Kotlin without using this libraries
Can't really help with that. Just use Java professionally, and often the data is so much different it needs weird tricks with MapStruct, so we often use a plain utils class for it. Maybe in Kotlin an extension would be the best way, so you could do something like foo.toBar()
Handfully crafted extension functions are the best, IMHO. I’ve always found that mappers just add complexity and bugs just to save a few lines of trivial, clean, refactorable code.
Thank you @jbnizet for you answer. Currently I am using transformation by hand. My colleague says e.g. that we should use Extension Functions only for code we are not owning. I think we should also use Extension Functions also on our own code for e.g. creating transformation between data classes. Do you have any information about if there is a rule saying that it is a bad idea on using extension functions for owned code?