BTW I plan to migrate the Spring Boot + Kotlin tut...
# spring
BTW I plan to migrate the Spring Boot + Kotlin tuto from JPA to Spring Data JDBC See

for more details.
🤔 1
👍 7
maybe keep both variants to show the differences?
I can keep the branch indeed, but I think I would like to provide a single opinionated tuto on the site.
And JPA requires plugin, is slow to start, complex and seems not ok for data classes (see
So I tend to think a simpler SQL based solution would be a better fit with Kotlin pragmatic mindset
+ I would like at some point have Kotlin typesafe SQL DSL
And last reason, on Reactive stack we are going to provide Spring Data Reactive SQL support in a similar way to Spring Data JDBC
Exposed with Coroutines API for those who want that