if i nest the `router` block inside the `bean` i c...
# spring
if i nest the
block inside the
i can write:
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bean {
        val personHandler = PersonHandler(ref())
        router {
            "/person".nest {
                GET("/", personHandler::readAll)
                GET("/{id}", personHandler::readOne)
it compiles but the route is not found at runtime
If you're not using Bean definition DSL, you need to inject the handler in the configuration class where the routes are defined. Example can be found on https://github.com/mixitconf/mixit/blob/bad6b92bce6193f9b3f696af9d416c276501dbf1/src/main/kotlin/mixit/web/routes/ApiRoutes.kt#L11
thanks that’s what i do but i want to do without the
annotation i stumbled upon that: https://github.com/sdeleuze/spring-kotlin-functional/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/functional/web/Routes.kt then it seems to be assembled like that:
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bean("webHandler") {
		RouterFunctions.toWebHandler(ref<Routes>().router(), HandlerStrategies.builder().viewResolver(ref()).build())
i removed the second argument because i don’t have views
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bean("webHandler") {
to no avail...