Hi! I am considering submitting a KEEP for pattern...
# language-proposals
Hi! I am considering submitting a KEEP for pattern matching. You can read a draft here. I have seen some discussion about it here and have drawn from that to write up the proposal. In particular, the case for it matching stuff inside classes and testing for equality is strong if we would like to avoid nested `if`s and `when`s. It of course helps with readability. It is a tried and tested feature in many languages, and Kotlin seems to want to come close to it through destructuring and smart casting but it's not quite there. I suggest using those existing semantics to make pattern matching intuitive and predictable. I would love to receive some feedback/contributions on the draft, and if there is enough support, to follow through with an actual KEEP submission. Cheers!
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Your examples might not be correct. The Arrow example should be
(None, None)
, and your Jake Wharton example ignores the "Someone else's" case.
Thanks for pointing those out. I just pushed a corrected version
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is (addr, true)
is confusing as the latter is not a type. What about simply
(addr, true)
? Note that
(1, 2) -> ā€¦
would throw in
when matching against
. Iā€™m not sure that this would be intended.
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Copy code
is Closed(valueException) -> throw valueException
is State<*>(UNDEFINED) -> throw IllegalStateException("No value")
is State<*>(value) -> return value as E
else -> error("Invalid state $state)
This wonā€™t work. The compiler would have to guess whether you want to pass a value for matching (like
) or you want to define a variable (like
). The latter should need a
. Then again I donā€™t see much benefit in destructuring into new variables here since the smart cast already makes it very easy (
Thanks for your feedback! I see the issue with omitting the type parameter at
is (_, true)
. At the same time, I thought it would be appropriate if in order to pattern match the keyword
was necessary. Having
(a, b)
directly looks as if we were calling
(a, b) == subject
(which is what would happen if instead of that tuple we had anything else). I personally prefer
but I will add your alternative to the proposal see what people like
As for the
example, I don't see the problem. It is an identifier like any other, and seeing it's already present in scope should tell apart one case from the other
Whether it is the identifier of an imported enum or some object should surely not change things?
Current when matching doesnā€™t require
. Itā€™s used exclusively for instance checks, whether in when matching or otherwise and I think itā€™s better if it stays that way šŸ™‚
(a, b)
directly looks as if we were callingĀ 
(a, b) == subject
I donā€™t know what you mean here. There is no call and it doesnā€™t look like one either. Itā€™s perfectly in sync with destructuring, and most other languages :)
As for theĀ UNDEFINEDĀ example, I donā€™t see the problem. It is an identifier like any other, and seeing itā€™s already present in scope should tell apart one case from the other
That would be a very big source of errors. Just mistyping a variable name and instead of providing a value you create a new variable. It doesnā€™t make sense for a static language like Kotlin. ā€œIf variable exists then use value else create new variableā€ šŸ˜… Sounds more like something that PHP would do (wrong).
I know current matching does not use
, but all current matching does is call
on subject and target. Whether here the semantics on some
(a, b)
as a target are different and I thought it would be important to differentiate that. But then again, using
has exactly the same problem so that's a fair point!
That is also a good point, and it is a big decision to take, which is why it is discussed under the Design Decisions section and is completely up to debate
Why would it be different? Pattern matching two values would basically call
for both anyway?
Itā€™s good to discuss things. But in this case I think the chances that the Kotlin team even considers implicit variable creation are close to zero šŸ˜…
It would call
for those already defined, but would recursively pattern match otherwise. Consider
(3, Person("Alice"))
. Here you are doing a type check in the pattern but there is no
. And we cannot fully remove
for non nested patterns because we cannot pattern match on
as that is creating a new
and calling equals on it (which may have different semantics from
, aside from extra overhead.
As for the implicit variable declaration, it is a design choice. Scala allows it explicitly, Rust and Haskell shadow the existing one, etc. Again, completely open to debate really not I'd something I consider essential to have
Are you sure that Scala even allows matching against values? From a quick search I can only find variable assignments but no value matching.
Regarding data class matching, I see are several issues here that should be discussed independently. ā€¢ Omitting values in data class matching should probably not be allowed.
Person("Alice", _)
but not
, the latter which can be ambiguous and confusing. ā€¢ The same goes for partial matching of desctructuring. Will
listOf(1, 2)
or just the former? I think most languages would only match the first case and you cannot do that with only
Yes, it's called a stable identifier. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7078022/why-does-pattern-matching-in-scala-not-work-with-variables The clever bit is that the check is explicit
Ah okay, thatā€™s quite different though.
I agree it is! But I could not come up with some nice syntax for it in Kotlin :))
Person("Alice", _)
can indeed not use
of a data class, which would break existing code when not using wildcards, because in that case
is currently used.
only makes sense when the type isnā€™t checked yet.
Copy code
val person: Person = ā€¦
when (person) {
   is Person -> ā€¦
That would be an unnecessary instance check already and yield a warning.
The thing about destructuring is that I did not define the semantics on data classes, but on
functions. You cannot enforce matching on every single
for data classes but not for lists. Again, I think the expected behaviour of destructuring in a pattern match should be as close as possible to the destructuring already present in the language. Currently, writing
val (name) = Person("Alice")
is valid so I do not see a problem with carrying that over to the KEEP
is Person("Alice", _)
is two things in one:
is Person
and matching the first component
I agree with your last statement and that is how I defined it in the draft
If you make an exception it leads to at least two confusing cases:
Copy code
when (listOf(1, 2)) {
   (1) -> ā€¦ // (1) unexpectedly matches (1, 2) - Tuples and Lists are very similar and it can easily lead to confusion.
   (1, 2, 3) -> // Expectation would be that it does not match. What actually happens is that an exception is thrown.
Again, those are the existing Kotlin destructuring semantics
Yes, but this isnā€™t destructuring. Itā€™s matching.
val (a, b, c) = listOf(1, 2)
compiles but throws a runtime exception
Destructuring is just part of the process of matching
And kind of the point of it too!
If my tuple isnā€™t three elements long I would expect it to not match, not to throw. When trying to actually extract the third element an exception makes sense, because the third element cannot be extracted. But itā€™s existence can be checked without throwing.
Itā€™s like
This is a very specific edge case for lists. For normal classes we know whether
exists. We could give lists special treatment to fail a match depending on their size, I can agree with that
is a very simple construct. Whether or not it throws depends on the case and
is just one example. not an edge case.
For data classes itā€™s easy, for all other cases itā€™s not.
And if you have a 2 element long tuple (not some collection) then your match won't even compile šŸ™‚
How would the compiler know how long my list is if itā€™s in a variable? šŸ¤”
I think it is safe to say you only expect
to fail for collections
Absolutely not šŸ˜…
No, it would not, but at runtime we can check and fail the match
And proceed to the enxt
As would be the case in Haskell or Scala
Yes you could, but you would only fix it for
instead of generically for
what youā€™re aiming for.
Whatā€™s missing is a
Again, I think it is safe to say you only expect componentN to fail for collections. Either we treat them the same as other classes or we give them special treatment through`Collection.size`
No, why is that safe to say?
Everyone can implement
for everything. Including throwing if destructing doesnā€™t make sense.
I am for keeping the proposal simple and treating them as other classes, but special treatment can be done and seems intuitive
If you want to keep it simple Iā€™d avoid problematic functionality and focus on a subset of pattern matching at first.
Yes, but that is true of a normal destructure as well (and of any getter for that matter)
Matching data classes seems simpler than destructuring which has many edge cases.
If we restrict matching to data classes it would close the door on extending classes with
to enable matching on them. I am thinking in particular of Java classes that users might want to extend to use more idiomatically in Kotlin
Additionally, at the moment all data classes are is normal classes with some generated code. Restricting pattern matching to them would mean to change their semantics to be more 'unique'
Why would it close that door? Data class matching is completely unrelated to destructuring šŸ¤” Itā€™s basically introducing wildcards for data class matching.
You can already match entire data class instances.
It would close the door to matching on Java classes or just anything that is not a Kotlin data class
The question was why
I donā€™t see any door closed šŸ™‚
Currently, we can destructure on Map.Entry for example thanks to the Kotlin stdlib extension functions
If we restrict pattern matching to data classes, we can't match on a Map's entries
That's just an example of a non data class you might want to destructure
Yes. But that doesnā€™t mean that you can never add that functionality later on.
The point is to approach pattern matching slowly in multiple steps, as itā€™s complex.
Thereā€™s also a problem with wildcard matching and data classes šŸ˜•
Person("Alice", true)
Person("Alice", _)
could work totally different than expected if a custom
was provided, because itā€™s ignored when a wildcard is used.
So you propose only matching data classes, by their total number of parameters only, and by their
I donā€™t think that
is necessary as the compiler knows what parameter is at what position.
That is why we use
. In that case we only call
on "Alice" and
, not on Person(..) itself
Person(ā€œAliceā€, true)Ā andĀ Person(ā€œAliceā€, _)Ā could work totally different than expected if a customĀ equalsĀ was provided, because itā€™s ignored when a wildcard is used.
Another one: The former would call the/a constructor while the latter wonā€™t.
I wouldnā€™t use
then but something else.
is confusing. Itā€™s already a
That is why
is Person("Alice", true)
will not create a new alice
It will check subject is a Person and then
on members
is Person(String, Boolean)
would make sense for
And then by not using
in data classes you are introducing breaking changes if we ever to use it in the future (like for Map.Entry maybe)
Maybe a new keyword?
like Person("Alice", true)
But then you are not matching the values of
which is the whole point of pattern matching
Itā€™s not a breaking change
Destructuring is a totally different case
Person(x, y)
is data class, otherwise you wouldnā€™t write
Pattern Matching is destructuring with added checks
You wonā€™t write
Map.Entry(a, b)
(a, b)
which can happily use
Then you should omit the
You can make a check and destructure if the
check succeeds
Please write up a new proposal replacing all my examples with your proposed syntax and semantics, do a pull request, and we can go 1 by 1 on what we think is best :))
Because otherwise the new syntax and semantics you are proposing are not very clear to me
Iā€™m not proposing any but merely highlight issues with the current one. I see a lot of rabbit holes already after a short time for mostly little benefit. Variable assignments are not really needed - we have smart casts. Destructuring isnā€™t useful here as it leads to confusing results - tuples would be useful. I agree that the current matching is a little verbose in some cases. Iā€™d start with improving them one by one. Thatā€™s also how Swiftā€™s pattern matching has evolved over time.
Copy code
val result = when(download) {
  is App(name, Person("Alice", _)) -> "Alice's app $name"
  is Movie(title, Person("Alice", _)) -> "Alice's movie $title"
  is App, Movie -> "Not by Alice"
For example could also be written like this:
Copy code
val result = when(download) {
  is App where download.developer.name == "Alice" -> "Alice's app ${download.name}"
  is Movie where download.developer.name == "Alice" -> "Alice's movie ${download.title}"
  is App, is Movie -> "Not by Alice"
Thatā€™s closer to what we have today and avoids the problem with data classes and destructuing for now, yet vastly improves such use cases already.
Without pattern matching
example for that case also isnā€™t ideal and can be improved with todayā€™s Kotlin. It unnecessarily uses destructuring.
Oh, and thereā€™s a bug in the example. The name of the app is compared to
, not the name of the developer.
The Binary Trees example without counter-example looks like converted Java code, not idiomatic Kotlin code. It can also be improved.
Thanks for spotting the bug, that's fixed now. As for your Swift example, it cannot be called full blown pattern matching by Haskell's or Scala's standards: it is simply a type check with a guard. Admittedly, my proposal could benefit from guards, but Swift cannot do nested patterns nor extract variables. You will see the value of nested patterns with the Arrow example, or the binary tree one
As for the Binary tree, I do agree that it is very java-like, but I did not write it, I borrowed it from baeldung. It is code used in a Kotlin tutorial. Additionally, a lot of the Kotlin written is very Java like and although I prefer idiomatic Kotlin, I do not see a problem with choosing the alternative. In particular, Baledung's mutable java-like tree is cheaper than the immutable alternative, and benefits from Kotlin's null safety still.
All in all, I suggest you read up on Scala's implementation, or Haskell's. Brian Goetz wrote an ongoing proposal for java that heavily inspired mine. These are all examples of full blown pattern matching that Swift does not offer. But I am sure Haskell and Scala will interest you in that they offer full blown pattern matching in addition to the guards that you know from Swift. C# offers them too.
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Have you considered only allowing structural pattern matching on data classes when matching a type? (Or, at least using that as a more restrictive starting point, before loosening restrictions to allow any type with
I have (and I am still open to the possibility if it arises in a formal KEEP submission) but I believe it would close the door on extending classes that are not our own (like Java's or some library's) for the purpose of matching on them.
But then the specifics of the proposal can be discussed when I submit it. In this channel I am mainly looking for feedback on whether this is a desired feature šŸ™‚ and whether it is worth I spend more time on it (by writing a transpiler for example)
A very good point! This is definitely a feature I want, and I'm glad you're working on it šŸ™‚
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