Hey there. I've idea that can be really useful (de...
# language-proposals
Hey there. I've idea that can be really useful (definitely on Android). Difficult to explain this, but have a sample:
Copy code
interface Animal

class Dog : Animal
class Cat : Animal

fun randomAnimal(callback: (Animal) -> Unit) {

fun main() {
    // Directly casting parameter to specific type when
    // declaring lambda parameters
    randomAnimal { animal as Dog -> // pay your attention. Here we cast Animal to Dog
        // Do something with dog...

    // Safe cast sample
    randomAnimal { animal as? Dog -> // safe cast Animal to Dog
       animal?.let { 
           // Do something with dog...
What is the use case of this feature? What do you want to achieve with this?
In android there is a lot of inheritance, and in some situations we exactly know object of what type we'll receive. For example, when creating custom BottomSheetDialogFragment, it extends DialogFragment that has method
from which we receive some
object and we exactly know that this is of type
. And we need to declare another one variable just to cast this parameter to type we want.
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setOnShowListener { dialog ->
    val bottomSheetDialog = dialog as BottomSheetDialog
It looks ugly for several reasons. First of all, we need to declare another one variable. It causes some problems with naming. After that we have
variable in lambda scope that is unnecessary. And if we compare the sample above with this one:
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setOnShowListener { dialog as BottomSheetDialog -> 
 // ...
It looks much better IMHO.
I'd rather see the ability to refine names in a scope like Rust. Then your example just becomes
val dialog = dialog as BottomSheetDialog
You don't need a new variable.
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setOnShowListener { dialog ->
    dialog as BottomSheetDialog
I'd also argue that this is an issue with
for not giving it a more specific type.
But redefining means you can do things like
val input = input.toInt()
I am familiar with the Rust feature but I thought shadowing let's you change types, effectively providing that feature.
Doesn't that only work with a new scope?
🤷🏼 1
I'm all for this sort of functionality. I was surprised when I realized this wasn't possible...
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"12345".forEach { character as String -> 
Being able to redefine would be nifty too. I think Android may have it fixed now, but I know several months ago I had a number of composite views with
nonNullContext ->
scattered throughout, being able to just use
within that scope would have been nice.
The cast in that example would never succeed
Whoops, was assuming since the
worked that casting would work for that, but I guess not 🤷🏻‍♂️
Maybe that could be another request that could fit into contracts. Define that a class has a function which lets you map it from one type to another, if that exists then
would reference that function.