Proposal: Allow a training `=` on any var infix fu...
# language-proposals
Proposal: Allow a training
on any var infix function that returns the receiver's type (or compatible):
Copy code
// Current
var superAwesomeNumber = 5
superAwesomeNumber = superAwesomeNumber shl 3

// New
var superAwesomeNumber = 5
superAwesomeNumber shl= 3
It would be nice for long chains of bitwise operators, but it could also be nice for any infix function. It is especially appealing when you use very descriptive names.
👍 4
👎 3
This is similar to an earlier proposal of allowing
prefix on any infix function that returns Boolean, but I'm not sure what happened with that proposal.
Any other use cases besides shifting?
It applies only to infix functions that have their receiver of the same type as return type (or compatible in some way)
I'd rather see real bitwise operators 😀
would also be use cases
👍 3
@orangy Sure. All the bitwise operators
layers and= mask
flags or= newFlag
. I also have some custom number infix functions it would be nice to use like
currentInnerRatio pMod= 9.0
colorOffset pingPong= upperBound
@hudsonb I agree, but this could apply to more than just bitwise. I just happend to be using a lot of them at the moment 🙂
Like many of my proposals, I haven't thought through all the edges, so I'm not sure if this is a good idea overall. One possible problem would be that you couldn't easily override it like you can with operators (
, etc.), so it may feel a little incongruous.
It applies only to infix functions that have their receiver of the same type as return type (or compatible in some way)
Indeed, that's what I meant by "variable's type". I've updated it.
I have a hard time visually parsing
superAwesomeNumber shl= 3
as something other than
(superAwesomeNumber shl)= 3
so I think if this proposal is accepted I’d like to make sure that the syntax highlighting is distinct in the IDE.
👍 2
still much better
superAwesomeNumber <<= 3
I find it much faster to read because it's not literal
@elect I agree, but this proposal has nothing to do with bitwise operators. That is a separate proposal that had been in discussion for quite a while.