When I run `gradle test`, is it possible to get a ...
# spek
When I run
gradle test
, is it possible to get a break up of which tests have failed? Additionally, when I run
gradle test
for the second time, it doesn't run the tests again. Could someone help with this?
But this work out of the box. Gradle shows failed test in console and generates report and prints lint to report to console
for the second time, it doesn’t run the tests again
this is Gradle feature, if you change nothing in your code, Gradle just do not run tests because it’s useless operation. If you really want to rerun tests without code change check this SO answer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29427020/how-to-run-gradle-test-when-all-tests-are-up-to-date
So I get the summary of the tests that have run, but not a break up for some reason. The second issue was resolved, thanks!
Strangely, it is printing it for normal junit tests, not for Spek tests. I have tests in both java and kotlin folders under the tests directory
not for Spek tests
Seams like lack of this feature in Spek, not related to Gradle itself Gradle has direct integration with junit, not sure how this should work on Spek
Yep! Trying to resolve that!
@satejs can you share your build file?
Yes, DM-ing you