<@U28KM12LE> I've tried apply the changes suggeste...
# spek
@jk I've tried apply the changes suggested at this issue but nothing happen, the only thing the solves the problem is to do a downgrade the version of junit plugin from M4 to M3.
jackmiras: I would have thought the versions required would be: spek 1.1.0 + junit-platform 1.0.0-M3 or spek 1.1.1 + junit-platform 1.0.0-M4
I was trying to use spek 1.1.1 + junit-platform 1.0.0-M4 but then I start to get the exception that I post earlier. The only way that I found to make the tests run was downgrade to spek 1.1.0 + junit-platform 1.0.0-M3.
would be interesting to see your build.gradle, because I had the same issue with 1.1.1 and was able to resolve it with the workaround
but then again, if everything is ok with 1.1.0 then there’s no point upgrading because I think 1.1.1 only contains that fix for M4
@jk Sorry about the delay... You can check my gradle script in following link: https://codeshare.io/ax8kZD
@jackmiras what did it look like when you were trying 1.1.1?
I updated the codeshare with what I think the build.gradle should look like with 1.1.1 https://codeshare.io/ax8kZD
@jackmiras have you tried reimporting your project in IntelliJ?
@jk I'll take a look
@raniejade I already tried reimporting the project nothing happens.
weird, I don’t see anything wrong with the build script. Is it possible to upload your project so we can check it out?
@raniejade I don't know if it's possible but I haven't try to implement the changes suggested by @jk yet. If the suggestions made by Jingkey still doesn't work I'll talk with my co-workers and see if I can gave you access to the project.
@raniejade I've just implement the change suggested by @jk and then I was able to run my tests properly using the version 1.1.1 of Spek. As well notice by @jk I was missing the
testRuntime 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher:1.0.0-M4'
dependency and the absence of this dependency was causing the error that I was facing.
👍 1