I've released KVision 3.11.0 - <https://github.com...
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I've released KVision 3.11.0 - https://github.com/rjaros/kvision. Highlights of this release: - full support for Onsen UI mobile web components with type-safe Kotlin API and DSL builders (see demo: https://github.com/rjaros/kvision-examples#onsen-ui-kitchen-sink) - extended functionality of the Maps module (contributed by Jörg Rade) - a lot of small improvements and bug fixes - upgraded dependencies (Javalin 3.9.0, Jooby 2.8.8, Spring Boot 2.3.1, ReduxKotlin 0.5.1, Tabulator 4.7.1, Chart.js 2.9.3 and others) For more details about this release see the changelog. As always any feedback is welcomed 🙂
👍 1
Any Micronaut integration yet?
No. I was looking at this, but for now it's not easy for me, because micronaut doesn't use runtime DI and I have no idea how to link KVision with compile-time DI.
Why do you require runtime DI?
You mean that the js part just won't have a DI?
It's not about JS part. I just need to get the component instance from the reified class type. And currently runtime DI (spring IOT for spring boot or guice for other servers) is the only way I know. I have no experience with compile-time DI (nor with kapt).
also from what I can see there is no easy support for functional configuration in micronaut
it's all being done with annotations
but it's not that big problem I suppose
I will probably try to face the micronaut soon 😉 Please fill an issue on github if you like :-)
There is functional configuration, if you mean
The annotations just tell kapt what to introspect (which extracts all annotations and class info necessary at compile time so that no annotation parsing needs to be done at run time), generates the DI classes and does a bit on the aspect programming end.
But all in all, you can retreive things manually too.
I'm really looking for an easy-to-use admin generator like https://oroinc.com/oroplatform/ ... with datagrids /filtering, CRUD, and access control... but I couldn't really find anything in the Java/kotlin world... so at least for more simple needs kvision would help in this?
It still might also be interesting for other purposes, though... but adding some kind of auth views (if there aren't already) would be useful. Micronaut does all the logic for sessions and the rest, I'm sure other frameworks do too.
KVision has Tabulator module with full featured grid component, so you can build typical crud applications very easily. TabulatorRemote can be connected directly to server side components. There are some typical authorization helpers as well. Take a look at addressbook-fullstack examples.
Thanks! I'll take a look.