hey all, I'm hoping someone can help me with somet...
# kodein
hey all, I'm hoping someone can help me with something here is there a way to access the binding tag from within the provider block? eg.:
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bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = AuthType.OAUTH) with provider {
            .client(instance<OkHttpClient>(tag = /* How do I access the tag used above on provider line? */))
the use case here is that for some cases, the provider block might be many lines, and I don't want to have to repeat the code for each new
, so I was wondering can I just pass that through, rather than repeat the code each time. is something like this possible?
Hi, indeed this is possible. nevertheless. tag wont help you in this case.
If you need to pass arguments at retrieval, you should use
binding, this is like provider, but with parameter.
giving you something like that
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bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = AuthType.OAUTH) with factory { param ->
            .client(instance<OkHttpClient>(tag = param))
and if you need to retrieve the same object regarding to the parameter, you should use
that could alos be called are singleton factory
thanks so much for the response, Romain
I can't seem to get it quite working, Kodein doesn't seem to recognise the factories when I attempt to use them
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org.kodein.di.Kodein$NotFoundException: No binding found for bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = "OAUTH") with ? { ? }
Available bindings for this type:
        module com.myframework.NetworkModule {
            bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = "OAUTH") with factory { AuthType -> Retrofit.Builder }
            bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = "EMAIL") with factory { AuthType -> Retrofit.Builder }
it even lists the available bindings, and the one it says it can't find is actually identical to one in the list
Can you share your bindings declaration and your factory call ?
this works:
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bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = AuthType.OAUTH) with provider {
        getRetrofitBuilder(okHttpClient = instance<OkHttpClient>(tag = AuthType.OAUTH))
but this does not:
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bind<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = AuthType.OAUTH) with factory { authType ->
        getRetrofitBuilder(okHttpClient = instance<OkHttpClient>(authType))
the second one compiles, but throws the aforementioned binding error at run-time
how do you retrieve your bindings? this is certainly where the error occurs
oh, right, my apologies
it's retrieved by another module, like this:
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bind<ApiService>() with provider {
    instance<Retrofit.Builder>(tag = AuthType.OAUTH)
ok, I think this where the issue is, a factory is a function that needs an input parameter, in your case
, the
parameter of the
isn't a factory parameter, but a way to manage different instances of the same type. In your case I'm not sure that you need to tag your bindings.
Plus you should have named the type of your factory param. In your factory you also are doing something like
, this means that you also have another factory for the type
Is what I would have done (not tested)
OkHttpClient factory
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bind<OkHttpClient>() with factory { authType: AuthType ->
Retrofit.Builder factory
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bind<Retrofit.Builder>() with factory { authType: AuthType ->
    getRetrofitBuilder(okHttpClient = instance<OkHttpClient>(arg = authType))
ApiService provider
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bind<ApiService>() with provider {
    instance<Retrofit.Builder>(arg = AuthType.OAUTH)
let me know if this help