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# hiring
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👍 2
why not use kotlinx.html instead of lit-html?
kotlinx.html is great, but it doesn't support automatic rerendering of elements in the DOM if variables change. Doing something like this with pure kotlinx.html is very difficult
Copy code
<template let-name let-for="names">
   <h1>Hello {{name.first}}</h1>
I've started going down that road with this library which is similar to kotlinx.html, but need something sooner, building something that can do server side and client side rendering and upating of DOM elements is something i'm working on, it's just very far from usable for something that needs to be finished in a couple of weeks time.
why did you delete the message?
got sorted, don't want more messages asking if it's still available
is it going to be available on github? It looks interesting