Hey guys! I’m current working on my robotics team ...
# scripting
Hey guys! I’m current working on my robotics team for highschool (FTC). This year we migrated to a 100% kotlin code base and i was wondering, Am I able to create custom kts files like something.kts for an android project? I tried originally by doing the same setup as you would for a normal JVM project but I got a gradle exceeded memory error. Is there a way for this to be possible and I just set it up incorrectly or is it not possible as of right now? Thanks 🙏
I was hoping to access some FTC specific APIs. To send commands to the robot's hardware such as powering motors or servos.
Oops sorry I just deleted my message, I just understood 😅
I think that should work ?
i remember following the JVM setup, but i have a feeling I dont need some of the specific gradle implementations
do you know which dependencies i need to add to the gradle?
Really not sure sorry, I thought you wanted to run something like *.main.kts om a device
I haven't really used a scripting host.
i was hoping to be able to create my own custom kts file type, i remember a kotlinconf doing the same (iirc the file types were turtle.kts and groddle.kts)
oh...ok, thanks for the information!
yes! exactly that one
i tried my best to add all of the stuff to my build.gradle files
but this ended up with a gradle memory exceeded error
I actually watched this but this seemed very Gradle oriented.
You're not planning to run Gradle on an Android device, are you?
well i do run a gradle build to build and install to the phone
Yep, but that runs on a laptop, right?
oh yea your right
Where is android involved ?
im pushing a compiled version onto the phone
i write code in android studio, then build in android studio, and then afterwards i push to the phone through android studio install
I understood this talk as a way to hook into Gradle to do something like the Gradle team did with the Kotlin DSL, so not related to calling Android APIs
yea, i was hoping to be able to use it as a base line but that died very quickly.
i guess, until i hear about official support for android devices, i'll have to shelve this idea
thanks for the information!
that gets me wondering if it's possible to turn a kts file into a .class file...
that would take off the load on the phones memory right? since we are doing that during compilation which is on the laptop
No worries, sorry I haven't been super helpful, I should rewatch that talk!
i should also rewatch as well XD
dont worry about it, this seems to be a very abstract concept that people havent tried out extensively
For Android you'd need more than a class file, Android uses its own bytecode format that's called dex
that is true, but if we can get to .class its a step in the right direction for sure
Sticking with the standard way to do apps feels simpler
that is probably a good idea
Iirc you can use a gradle plugin to compile kts files and then use them from other modules
i thought i added the correct gradle plugins but i got a gradle memory exceeded error?
Then you may need to give gradle more memory to work with
That can be done in the gradle.properties
you see, i would, but im building to a phone, so im limited there
gradle memory exceeded error
this is something at compile/build time on your laptop though
☝️ 1
For Android you’d need more than a class file, Android uses its own bytecode format that’s called dex
Android is able to dynamically load .class files using dexclassloader, so it’s not a problem
Looking at https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libcore-snapshot/+/refs/heads/ics-mr1/dalvik/src/main/java/dalvik/system/DexClassLoader.java, it says:
Copy code
A class loader that loads classes from {@code .jar} and {@code .apk} files
containing a {@code classes.dex} entry.
Would that still work with jars containing regular Java6 bytecode?
I'm assuming Java8 would not work in all cases because most of it requires desugaring
Java8 will not workl probably, until API 23 (?)
But Java6 bytecode will? That class I linked is talking about
. Is there something that can do Java8 Bytecode -> dex bytecode on device?