Seems `kotlin-scripting-jvm-host` is missing a dep...
# scripting
is missing a dependency on
in the pom. Had to explicitly specify it.
I’m not sure but, probably it’s intentional, so you could choose what kind compiler you need (daemon or embeddable)
It is unexpected for me, seems my teammates dropped this dependency while trying to solve unrelated problem. I’ll have a look. And no, you cannot choose the implementation here. The daemon support for the new scripting is not ready yet, and for
, youneed to use appropriate
I’m not sure I understand tbh. Also, even after adding a dep on the compiler i still get NoClassDef for
Let me guess, the artifacts without
are supposed to be used within IntelliJ-land (eg kotlin IJ plugin etc) and the ones with
are meant to be used in user-land
The problem will be fixed in the 1.3.50 release, but for a moment you need to use
compiler if you’re using
host. And accordingly - non-embeddable compiler with non-embeddable host.
It is recommended to use
variants if you’re adding these dependencies to any non-trivial app.
I was using the non -embeddable ones actually till i hit the missing dependencies. Switched to embeddable for now. and it works. I know this has been asked/answered before but, can you give me a quick enough explainer of the difference between the two?
Just copy the answer I gave few days ago. Maybe we should put it somewhere publicly. :)
We have a bunch of
jars, starting from compiler. The `kotlin-compiler`jar is a fat jar that contains almost all dependencies inside and in the reduced form (we’re using proguard to remove unused parts.) So if your app need to include the compiler as a dependency, e.g. when you’re using scripting, then there is a chance of version clashes or missing functionality, if your app happens to depend from the same dependency. To avoid this problem the
compiler is created in which all bundled 3-party dependencies are relocated to different package names. All other
jars use
compiler accordingly.
👍 1
Nice. Thank you, that makes sense.