With 1.3-rc(3?) -- is scripting yet usable 'out of...
# scripting
With 1.3-rc(3?) -- is scripting yet usable 'out of the box' ? I cant get a clear picture -- I think I understand the stated limitations but I dont understand the final story on dependencies -- i.e. where all the needed .jar files are, nor if there is still a missing 'last mile' where you need some (undefined) magic class to make it actually work. By 'work' I mean using the 'newer' kotlin specific templates -- do they exist in public packages yet ? the scripting compiler runtiume ? -- I know the basic JSR scripting stuff has been working OK for several releases.
I'm not sure what this missing "last mile" you're referring to is -- I've been using the Kotlin Scripting infrastructure successfully out of the box since 1.2.30.
Ive never been successful at getting the "Template" based APIs to work only the JSR apis.
Any particular errors or problems? The template discovery system is a recent addition, but previously I'd just pass in my script templates as a compiler option.
The problem was I could not figure out how to do that .... (pass in my own templates). Also runtime 'class not found' errors refering to a private .jar from jetbrains
the code where the classpath for the script live(ed) in a non published .jar file