Hi <@U0BLLV3UY>, I somehow was under the impressio...
# scripting
Hi @nastelaz, I somehow was under the impression that running scripts against project dependencies was fixed for 1.2.50+. But when running with 1.2.50-eap-62-IJ2018.1-1 it still seems broken (see screenshot). I guess the corresponding ticket is https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-11618 . Am I using the wrong version of the plugin?
Hi, @holgerbrandl. Yes, KT-11618 was fixed, so looks like a bug. But I failed to reproduce it on my local machine. Could you please send me a screenshot of the run configuration?
Thanks @nastelaz, I figured out the reason. It fails if the script file is a symlink. Also the run configuration menu-names are imho wrong since the use the name of the link-target and not the name of the symlink. For screenshot see https://imgur.com/a/N3v2Ooh .
Some user of kscript (https://github.com/holgerbrandl/kscript) pointed out the problem (see https://github.com/holgerbrandl/kscript/issues/128). There we boostrap a temporary project and simply sym-link the user-script into it. See https://github.com/holgerbrandl/kscript#boostrap-idea-from-a-kscriptlet . This does not work currently due to the the problem described above. Is this limitation by design or a bug?
If the script is located under source root - all dependencies of this module should be added to the classpath of the command created by run configuration. Otherwise, it's a bug.
Does this apply to symbolic links as well? I’d expect them to be supported in the the same way as regular files, but as described above they are not.
Seems it's a bug. Does highlighting work correctly in such files?
Yes, highlighting and completion are fine. It’s just the script execution and the naming inconsistencies of the run configuration (screenshot from above) which are different. Should I file an issue, or will you handle internally?
The issue will be better. Thank you!