I am wondering why in Kotlin JS reflection qualifi...
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I am wondering why in Kotlin JS reflection qualifiedName is not available. It is easy to parse kjsm files and get whatever meta information is needed, but you are not able to match it to objects because only simpleName is available in KClass. I am trying to leverage meta information to make https://mockk.io work for JS platform. Are there any objections to add qualifiedName now? I will do PR
The main objection is that it’s not required in most cases, but it will increase the size of the generated code.
It’s not quick but I think you can restore this information at runtime by walking objects tree from module root.
Maybe we can generate metadata more compact way and get a space for qualifier 🙂. @oleksiyp If you interesting in we can discuss details.
however, I don’t know a good way to make metadata more compact without breaking compatibility 😞.
Yes, I am interested. For me still this is major blocker. Besides discussion on how to make it compact, can you tell how to traverse module root. May be this one is enough