Hello, i don't know if this is the right chat to t...
# kontributors
Hello, i don't know if this is the right chat to talk about that, but i was looking for a way to use multiple resources at the same time as this fellow here: https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/is-there-standard-way-to-use-multiple-resources/2613 So i wrote a code generator to create multiple C#-like "using" inline functions with 1 to 20 generic closeable parameters and this is the result: https://github.com/FelixEngl/KotlinUsings What do you think about this code as a possible contribution to the Kotlin library as alternative to the "use"-nestings and autocloseables?
In any case I would advise you to format your code.
👍 1
I did some formatting (more newLines, better indents and overall more structure) to the code, i hope this makes it better.