```Execution javadoc of goal org.jetbrains.dokka:d...
# dokka
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Execution javadoc of goal org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-maven-plugin:1.4.32:javadocJar failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-
maven-plugin:1.4.32:javadocJar: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
Oh, could you provide more details about your setup? OS + java distribution + command that you run
It's probably the same problem that made Kotlin 1.4.x compiler failing on Java 16 https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-45566
my apologies. i was afk for a few days. i'm running via the maven plugin on java 16 with dokka version 1.4.32 and kotlin version 1.5.0.
we'd hoped 1.5.0 would fix our java 16 build issues but apparently not
hmm, i’ve tried it on a stock amazon corretto jdk16 and we fail even after bumping the compiler to 1.5.0. I’ll try to investigate the issue tomorrow, let’s hope that it isn’t somewhere deep inside IJ/compiler internals and our way of setting up kotlin analysis 😄
👍 1
oooh. my apologies! we're actually still on 1.4.32 on this branch. I'm actually migrating to 1.5 on another branch and forget. we're trying to keep those separate changes but perhaps we can't. i'll bump to 1.5 and see what happens.
Nah, for some reason issue for maven is here even when we bumped the compiler to 1.5.0. Funny thing is that gradle works fine For now the work-around is similar to what compiler guys suggested:
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MAVEN_OPTS="--illegal-access=permit" mvn dokka:dokka
oof. kinda gross. i'll see if i can sell that to the team.